About Us
St Mary’s is a church that welcomes and supports people at all stages of life. Together we explore faith and prayerfully work to put it into action. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, there is a place for you here.Who we are
We are a diverse and inclusive congregation, gathered from across Dunblane and the surrounding area. Together we explore the Christian faith and what it means to live for God. We seek to make a positive difference in our local community and the wider world.
We value people of all ages and backgrounds, and we seek to shape our events and services so that everyone can join in the social and worship life of our church.
We are a congregation of the Scottish Episcopal Church. This means that we are connected to the wider story of Christianity in Scotland, through history back to the Saints such as Columba and Ninian, and in the present day through our diocese, our bishop, the wider province, and to Anglican churches around the world. To find out more about the Scottish Episcopal Church visit the provincial website.
Sunday Services
8.30am Holy Communion
10.30am Eucharist
8pm Night Church
The early morning (8.30am) Holy Communion service is a quiet service using traditional language.
At 10.30am each Sunday we celebrate the Eucharist. This service can look different week-to-week but is rooted in the 1982 Scottish Liturgy Sometimes we use the organ, sometimes fiddle, flute and keyboard, and sometimes a full band. Every week there is something for children to do, whether that be in the service or at Young Church. Afterwards we have tea and coffee together in the hall.
Night Church is our short, reflective, candle-lit service. It ranges in form from traditional compline to a conversation on a justice issue, Celtic Night Prayer to a healing service, an Ignatian meditation to an evening of contemporary worship music. Every week is different!
If you would like more information about these services, go to the calendar or facebook page, check out our Latest News, or contact the Rector to be added to our mailing list.
There is free parking nearby on Perth Road, the High Street, or at India Gate, just across the road. There are a limited number of spaces available for blue-badge holders (or by special arrangement) behind the church which can be accessed via Smithy Loan, the entrance is between “The Smithy” bungalow and St Mary’s Primary School.
Our church building is equipped with a hearing loop and large-print documents can be made available upon request. Step free access is via the rear door. We are a Dementia Friendly church and partner with Dementia Friendly Dunblane. Please speak to a Steward at any of our services if you require assistance.
Gluten free wafers are available at communion/eucharistic services. Communion can be brought to someone in their pew if they would struggle to come to the front of the church to receive it. Please speak to a steward when you arrive at church if you require either gluten free or to receive communion in your pew.
Worship from home
It is important for us that all members of the congregation have an opportunity to worship whether they can access the church building or not.
If you are unable to attend church, you can join in with our Sunday worship by watching a livestream of the 10.30 service from our Facebook page or catch up with a recording during the week. You can also access written ‘Materials for Worship at Home’ here or this weekly resource can be emailed to you.
Our Pastoral Care Team regularly visits members who are housebound or in residential homes. We also offer a communion service at home. (All members of our Pastoral Care Team are PVG checked and receive appropriate training and support.)