Children and Young People

Our children and young people are essential members of our congregation. Our hope is to give them space, time, and experiences that help them get to know God. They are always welcome at any of our services and are encouraged to come forward at communion with their parents/caregivers to receive either a blessing or communion.

Whole Church Services

Whole church services happen approximately once a month at 10.30am on a Sunday (see Calendar  for upcoming dates) and the children and young people frequently help us in leading worship with readings, songs, puppet shows and more! Whole church services tend to be shorter and more interactive than our regular Sunday Eucharist, often with a prayer activity that we all do together,.

Young Church

On Sundays during term-time when we don’t have a Whole Church Service, those in P1-S2 can attend Young Church. There, through games, stories, songs, and crafts, we encourage the children and young people to get curious about God and discover how faith can be relevant in their lives. They meet at 10.30am in either the hall or rectory and go back to church in time to receive communion with the wider congregation.

If Young Church isn’t on, we ensure that there is provision for the children in church to help them engage with the service. Stewards will offer a Sunday Pack at the door which contains activities, prayer pop-its, and musical instruments!

Tots Church

Tots Church also meets during the 1030 service on Sundays that there isn’t a Whole Church Service. Meeting in the comfort of the rectory living room, this is church for and with those under 5. Through songs, interactive stories, exploratory play, and sensory activities, we introduce our youngest members to the God who made, knows, and loves them! We ask that wee ones are accompanied by a responsible adult, so that everyone is safe, but also so that families can learn about sharing faith together in an age appropriate way.

Tea and Toast 

Parenting little ones can be demanding! And sometimes we need a space to vent, to share the small victories, and to ask for help. Tea and Toast is that space – every Thursday in term time between school drop-off and 10.30am, with a cup of tea, toast, and lots of supportive fellow parents and carers. There are volunteers who’ll cuddle babies and do activities with pre-schoolers so that you can have a break as well.

For more information on the latest groups and events for children and young people check out Latest News or contact Rachael  or Young Church

All of our leaders and volunteers are PVG checked and undergo the appropriate safeguarding training. Learn more here: Keeping you Safe